Welcome to Linden and Katie’s Class

Staff: Linden & Chad

Please do contact me if you have questions, concerns, etc: laitken@lesd.k12.or.us

Welcome to our class!   I am very excited to be a part of this brilliant school!  I am so looking forward to working with and getting to know students and their families.

I am one of the Block teachers who will be teaching Language  Arts and Social Studies.  I will also be teaching a Science class on the topic neurology and the brain. I love rowing, reading, dog training, science, and social justice.

Stay tuned for more updates to our page throughout the school year!

Block Games

Editing- commas, end marks, etc. http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/grammar/punctuation.htm

Reading Comprehension: http://www.roomrecess.com/mobile/SirReadalot/play.html

Author’s Purpose: http://www.roomrecess.com/mobile/AuthorsPurpose/play.html

Sight words: https://www.fun4thebrain.com/English/popcornWords.html

Sight words: http://www.abcya.com/out_of_sight_words.htm

Homophones your, its, there: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/grammargames/easilyconfusedwords.htm

Everglades Webquest


Keyboard Practice Homework (Mondays & Wednesdays):

Typing.com (you must log in)

Dance Mat Typing 

Kids Type Typing Practice

Typing Games are Homework Tuesdays & Thursdays (DON’T FORGET TO LOG IN!):

Typing.com Type Toss


Keyboard Ninja

Keyboard Climber 2 


Spelling City


Interactive World Map

Uganda Research Project Links

Uganda on Duckster

Uganda Wildlife

Music From Uganda